HomeScience Question You accidentally dropped your favourite toy and broke it. This is a change you did not want. Can this change be reversed? Share FacebookTwitterWhatsAppTelegram Answer No, this change (breaking of toy) cannot be reversed. Related questions How does curd being set? Is this change reversible? view ansewr Explain how a metal rim slightly smaller than a wooden wheel can be fixed on it. view ansewr What happens when sugar is heated? view ansewr What is a chemical change? Explain with example. view ansewr What is a physical change? Explain with example. view ansewr Write some changes happening in our body. view ansewr What are slow and fast changes? Give examples. view ansewr Why does a blacksmith heat the metal rim to fix it on a cart wheel? view ansewr Can you change the shape of a eraser after erasing? view ansewr Does the size of the paper change after making an aeroplane by folding it or by cutting it? view ansewr Categories ScienceEnglishGeographyBooksPlants and NatureCountries and StatesAnimals and WildlifeCapitals and CitiesLifeTechnologySports and GamesComputer and InternetEntertainmentArts and CultureCompetitive ExamsMovies and TV SeriesPoliticsWorld HistoryIndian HistoryMathematics