HomeScience Question Why does the water split on the floor disappear after some time? Share FacebookTwitterWhatsAppTelegram Answer Due to evaporation the water split is changed into water vapour. So it disappears after some time. Related questions What is rainwater harvesting? Describe the method of rainwater harvesting. view ansewr What is meant by conservation of water? Suggest three methods to conserve water. view ansewr During winters why do we see more fog in close areas where there are lots of trees? view ansewr Name two processes responsible for the formation of clouds. view ansewr How does the failure of rainfall affect people on the earth? view ansewr How does heavy rain affect us? view ansewr Why is ocean water not suitable for domestic use? view ansewr Mention two main functions of water for living organisms. view ansewr What is meant by the conservation of water? view ansewr How are the clouds formed? view ansewr Categories ScienceEnglishGeographyBooksPlants and NatureCountries and StatesAnimals and WildlifeCapitals and CitiesLifeTechnologySports and GamesComputer and InternetEntertainmentArts and CultureCompetitive ExamsMovies and TV SeriesPoliticsWorld HistoryIndian HistoryMathematics