HomeEnglish Question What is the vegetable man selling? Share FacebookTwitterWhatsAppTelegram Answer The vegetable man is selling cauliflowers, peas, cabbages, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots and radishes. Related questions Can you make the sounds which you hear when you walk on the road? Talk about them. view ansewr Talk about how you would cross the road. view ansewr Why is the road annoyed with the crow? view ansewr What sounds do you hear on the road in the morning? view ansewr Categories ScienceEnglishGeographyBooksPlants and NatureCountries and StatesAnimals and WildlifeCapitals and CitiesLifeTechnologySports and GamesComputer and InternetEntertainmentArts and CultureCompetitive ExamsMovies and TV SeriesPoliticsWorld HistoryIndian HistoryMathematics