Science - Page 2

List the biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste products in your school What are the best ways to get rid of this garbage?

Biodegradable wastes:(i) Paper container(ii) Chalk boxes(iii) Pencil scraps(iv) Faeces and urine(v) Loose and tom waste paper of exercise notebooks and diaries(vi) Dropout leaves and...

What is papier-mache? How does it help us?

Papier-mache is a paste made from pulp of waste papers and clay used for moulding into boxes, trays, etc. This helps in recycling of...

Waste may contain the following things:

Empty bottles Syringe Needles Ampute Used cotton Injection bottles Used bandages Pieces of plaster Tablet wrapper Empty paper boxes Polythene bags Left over food items Peels of fruits and vegetables.

What will happen if garbage is left open in bin?

(i) Garbage will rot and bad smell will spread all around the surroundings.(ii) Garbage will become breeding spot for flies, mosquitoes and other disease-...

List waste products produced from an industry.

The waste products produced from an industry are: Chemicals Smoke Ash Empty containers such as glass bottles, plastic articles, wrappers. Plastic bags Broken things, iron or other metals

Why should we not bum dried plant leaves and husk? What is the best way to get rid of them?

Burning of dried leaves, husk and other plant parts produces smoke and gases that are harmful to our health.Dried leaves, husk and other plant...

What do you mean by composting?

The garbage containing plant and animal wastes, waste food, when left as such in pits or heaps is acted upon by bacteria, fungus-like organisms...

What do we do to the useful components (biodegradable) of the garbage?

Generally, useful components of the garbage are used to make compost. Compost are usually developed near the landfill.(i) For preparing compost, waste materials like...

How can the non-useful component be reused?

The non-useful components of the garbage are separated by Safai Karamcharis. This separated non-useful components of garbage is spread over the landfill and then...

We should not add wastes containing salts, pickles, oil, vinegar, meat and milk products in vermicomposting pit to feed the redworms. Why?

Addition of substances such as salts, oil, pickles, vinegar, meat and milk products to vermicompost pit causes growth of disease-causing small organisms. They may...

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