Plants and Nature - Page 3

Explain an activity to show that stem conducts water and other substances.

Take some water in a glass. Add few drops of red ink to the water. Cut the stem of a herb plant from its...

What are climbers?

The plants that take support of neighbouring structures and climb up are called climbers. They have weak stem. For example, grapes, money plant, beans.

What are creepers? Write an example.

The plants with weak stem that cannot stand upright and spread on the ground are called creepers. Various types of grasses are the examples...

What are trees? Give two examples.

The plants which are very tall and have hard and thick brown stem are called trees. The stems have branches in upper part and...

What are shrubs? Give two examples.

The plants which have a hard but not a very thick stem are called shrubs. Such plants have the stem branching out near the...

What are herbs? Give two examples.

The plants with green and tender stems are called herbs. They are usually short and may have no or less branches. ...

Classify plants and give an example of each.

On the basis of various characteristics most of the plants can be classified into three categories:(i) Herbs, e.g. tomato(ii) Shrubs, e.g. lemon(iii) Trees, e.g. mango

What are weeds?

The unwanted plants that grow in the fields with the main crops or in their surroundings are called weeds. Weeds are the plants which...

What are ovules?

These are small bead-like structures inside the ovary.

Name the various parts of pistil.

There are three parts of pistil:(i) Stigma              ...

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