Books - Page 3

Damjibhai’s son Hasmukh chose to become a farmer like his father, Hasmukh’s son Paresh is not a farmer, but a truck driver. Why would he have done so?

Paresh could see that his father was running into losses. Farming had become a capital intensive activity with little profit. Hence, Paresh would have...

What can happen to Hasmukh’s farm after some years?

Hasmukh’s farm will lose fertility after some years because Hasmukh is using chemical fertilizers. Hasmukh is in danger of falling in debt trap as...

Hasmukh said, “With profits from our fields, we can progress”. What is your understanding of ‘progress’?

Progress means a better lifestyle. People get better houses to live in. They get more nutritious food to eat. Children get better schooling. Houses...

Like Jatrya’s family, thousands of families come to stay in big cities for many different reasons. Do you think their life may be better in a big city from what it was before?

Many people migrate to big cities for different reasons. Life in a big city is difficult and different than it was before.It is true...

What kind of school do you think Jatrya’s children would be going to in Mumbai?

Jatrya’s children would be studying in government school in Mumbai.

What had Jatryabhai thought while moving to Mumbai? Did he find Mumbai as he had imagined?

The problems of Sinduri village made Jatrya think as if he was an ‘unwanted guest’ in the village. He wanted to leave Sinduri. As...

What difference did he find between Sinduri and his dream village?

Nothing was ideal as Jatrya once dreamt about an ideal village. The houses in Sinduri were made of tin Sheets and were very weak....

Was Sinduri village like the village of Jatrya’s dreams?

Sinduri village was not like the village of Jatrya’s dreams.

In Khedi, how many people were there in Jatrya’s family? When he thought about his family who all came to his mind?

There were three people in Jatrya’s family in Khedi; his father, mother and Jatrya . himself. But for Jatrya, the whole village was like...

Many people in Jatrya’s village did not agree to move away from their land and forest. Why? They had to leave even though they did not want to. Why?

The land and forest were associated with fond memories of many generations of people. Their forefathers had been living on that land since a...

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