
Dhanu has to go with village people to other places. Can there be some arrangements during that time so that Dhanu continues his studies?

Yes, Dhanu can get enrolled in a school in the new town. He can also look for evening schools.

Why does Mami wish that Dhanu should go to school for the whole year and study?

Mami wanted Dhanu to study well and get a good job so that he could work independently. Mami wished Dhanu to become a rich...

When Dhanu and other children leave the village for six months, what happens in the village school?

When Dhanu and other children leave the village for six months, the village school gets students from the families of big farmers only.

Dhanu’s family and many others from the village go far away for work but some people stay back in the village. Why does this happen?

Some people need to stay in the village so that they can protect the houses and cattle. They are also needed to take care...

In Dhanu’s village, there can be no farming when there is no rain. Do you think farming can be done even without rain water? 

Yes, farming can also be done without rain water. New methods of irrigation can be used to provide the required water to crops. Canals,...

If people in Dhanu’s village did not leave the village in search of work, what difficulties would they face in their own village?

If people in Dhanu’s village did not leave the village in search of work, they would face many difficulties. They would not be able...

During what time of the year did Dhanu’s family get work in the village? During what time did they not have work?

Dhanu’s family gets work from before the rainy season till Dussehra. Duringthe remaining six months, when there is no rain, they do not get...

Did all the farmers in Dhanu’s village have their own land?

No, only some of the farmers in Dhanu’s village have their own land. Some of the farmers work on the lands of big farmers.

What is similar between Saroja and Suvasini? What is different?

Both Saroja and Suvasini look like mirror images because they are twin sisters. They look so similar that their mama gets confused.Suvasini can speak...

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