HomeEnglish Question What does Little Monkey want to be? Share FacebookTwitterWhatsAppTelegram Answer The Little Monkey wants to be big and strong. Related questions The monkey wrote to his mother – i look awful He made two mistakes. What are they?Write the sentences correctly. view ansewr What would you do, if you had a magic wand? view ansewr Why does Little Monkey want to be himself again? view ansewr Does the Zebra have spots or stripes? view ansewr How does an elephant have a bath? view ansewr Categories ScienceEnglishGeographyBooksPlants and NatureCountries and StatesAnimals and WildlifeCapitals and CitiesLifeTechnologySports and GamesComputer and InternetEntertainmentArts and CultureCompetitive ExamsMovies and TV SeriesPoliticsWorld HistoryIndian HistoryMathematics